Why is January Called The Divorce Month?

January is often referred to as the “Divorce Month” because it has the highest number of divorce filings compared to other months of the year. According to legal experts, this trend can be attributed to the holiday season.

Couples who are considering may choose to stay together during the holidays, especially if they have children, to avoid disrupting the family’s holiday season. The stress of the holidays can also exacerbate the stress of the marriage, leading to an increase in January divorces.

Additionally, the new year can prompt people to evaluate their personal lives and make resolutions to end unhealthy marriages. Tax issues can also be a factor in the timing of divorce filings, as couples may want to resolve any tax issues before the year’s end.

One of the big reasons for the rise in January divorces is the notion that many couples decide it’s best for everyone to just get through the holidays together. The holiday season is often seen as a time for family and togetherness, and couples may feel pressure to maintain appearances and keep up the facade of a happy relationship during this time.

They may choose to postpone any thoughts or discussions of divorce until after the holidays, thinking that it would be easier on their children or relatives.
However, once the holidays are over, reality sets in, and couples may realize that their problems are still present and cannot be ignored any longer. This realization often leads to a surge in divorce filings in the month of January.


What are Some Common Reasons for Divorce?

According to Psych Central, some of the most common reasons include lack of commitment, financial challenges, and infidelity. Other reasons include constant arguing or conflict, marrying too young, unrealistic expectations about a partner or marriage, inequality between partners, inadequate preparation for marriage, domestic violence, and religious differences.


It is important to note that the reasons  can vary depending on cultural beliefs and practices. For example, a 2019 controlled trial study in Denmark found that the top reasons for divorce in that nation included lack of love and intimacy, communication problems, lack of sympathy, trust, and respect, and growing apart because of different interests and activities.

the annual divorce rate in Egypt stands at 3% 1. However, Middle East Monitor reported that Egypt saw a 14% increase in the divorce rate in 2022 compared to a slight 0.5% increase in marriage rates 2Egyptian Streets reported that divorce rates in Egypt have risen to 25 divorces per 100 marriages.

What are some Common Legal issues in Divorces?

some of the most common legal issues in divorce include the following:


– The division of property between the divorcing spouses.

– Whether one spouse should pay spousal support, or alimony, to the other.

– Issues involving the children of the marriage, such as child custody and visitation.

– Whether one spouse should pay child support to the other spouse.

Other common post-divorce legal issues include spousal support modification, unresolved property issues, issues associated with estate planning and wills, and remarriage.

It is important to note that the legal issues in divorce can vary depending on the specific circumstances of each case. If you are considering divorce, it is important to consult with a qualified attorney who can provide you with legal advice and guidance tailored to your specific situation. You can find a qualified divorce attorney near you by searching online directories such as H&Z Law Firm.


Why Contact H&Z Lawyers If You Are Considering Separation

Seeking legal advice from an experienced H&Z lawyer is indeed important for someone who is recently separated or contemplating a separation. H&Z lawyers can provide parties with advice about their legal entitlements, both with a property settlement and children’s arrangements. They can also provide parties with advice about the key steps to take when they have recently separated and about the options that are available to them.

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